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I am so weird!

I love notebooks, any type of paper, pens, crayons, and markers anything that I can write or draw with or on. I can stay in a stationary store all day. I have several books with my ramblings and rants! Sometimes I still write in notebooks. When I feel the need to be doing something, but I am not focus enough to sew or crochet or create anything I draw, doodle, and scribble whatever takes get it together to get something done.

As a child I kept crayons and markers and notebook and coloring book right beside my bed so when I could not sleep I had them close by so that I could draw, write or color in the coloring book. My mother would get so mad because often I would be using a marker and fall a sleep while drawing and the marker would be all over the sheets. That was fine with me because her taking my stuff away from my bedside was annoying. I could not sleep if they were not there and would spend hours looking for them so I could put them beside my bed before falling asleep. I would find them in the kitchen cabinet in the bucket that was used for mopping the floor. I found then in the basement in a box beside the washing machine. In the linen closet, under her bed in a pillowcase, and in the very back of the storage closet. She stopped hiding them when she found me asleep in the storage closet one day. After that she gave up. I just had sheets with marks from pens and markers on them.

Last night I was sitting in the living room and I looked next to the chair where I always keep my notebooks and they were gone. Now I know that I am the one who moved them because my husband is not that observant to realize that is where I usually keep them. For whatever reason I could not remember where I put them. I went into the sewing room and I just started gathering all my notebooks that I am currently using. Next to the computer I found 3 5 subject college rule notebooks. They were not the ones I was looking for. Under the table I found 2 daily planners. Not what I was looking for. In the closet I found 1 book bound sketch book. Not was I was looking for. In my bedroom I found 3 1 subject college ruled notebooks, and on 3 subject notebook. All spiral bound but also no what I was looking for. I stacked all this in the sewing room on the table next to the printer and just looked at them. I must be crazy! Went back into the living room and looked on the other side of the recliner and found 2 3 subject notebooks sitting on top of my mothers quilted box that she used to store her crocheting.

All I could think of was “thanks for holding that for me.”

I am so weird.


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