My mother taught me to crochet. Well she introduce me to crochet I liked it more than she did so I took it to heart. When I was a preteen you could always find me crocheting. Usually it was a scarf or afghan or shawls but rarely did I even attempt more than that. It was relaxing and kept me out of trouble. I stuck with crochet because it was one of the things that connected me with my mother.
No TV or radio just me and her crocheting together and talking about whatever. She was young and in good health and no one would have known that she would died before reaching 45 year of age.
In my family they always talk about the different afghan that I have crochet and gave away as present and they are always asking what they have to do to get a afghan from me.
I have decided the make sure each family member get something that I crochet. My first project will be for me. That is really not selfish but I have given just about everything I crochet away. So this will be a Made by me for me =MBM4M.
Lion Brand Yarn has a blog and for the month of March there is a crochet along. So I will be attempting a Moderne Jacket.

I have read the pattern several times and although I can understand what I am reading I cannot visual actually creating it. When I read a pattern for an scarf and afghan I can visual the crochet hook making the stitches described in the pattern. So this will be a challenge for me.
It is my plan to get the materials tonight and I can start on the back over the Weekend since this is a convention weekend in Moon Township. Since crochet project are great carry along with you projects I can crochet in the car, on the bus, in the park, at work, just about anywhere.
I will have a lot more craft at work projects since Betty has changed places of employment. We will have lunch together from time to time but it will not be daily. Her new job had different shift so that will effect how we get together during work.
We will have to make time to do things together when not working. We have taken nieces and nephew to Kidaplooza, I went over to her new apartment to play with her cricut, and we went to dinner and a movie. Keeping up with good friends is very important work! Anything worth having is worth working hard to keep.
Connection with Parents, Family and Friends.
Congrats on your new Job, Betty I know you will do well. We will keep in touch! Hugs!