I have lots of idea for fabric print in my head and I actually attempted to put the designs on the computer so that I could print them on fabric.
So looked wonderful on paper and not so great on the computer. So I decided to paint those designs so I could have a better image on the computer. I did not do that just yet.
So I search and search for a design that I had worked on at least 3 years before I knew Spoonflower existed.

I found the picture and scanned it into the computer and came up with the above design. I used Paint.net to get it to look like this and submitted it for a sample from Spoonflower.com. The background is black and the picture is small and repeats in a half brick pattern. I love it and its going to be fun changing the picture to get so many more prints.
Before the end of April I will be getting some yards of this and you will love what I make. I am taking my samples to work to show to W. She always looking for way to use the picture and designs that she makes.