This is the weekend when I hide out! This way total strangers will not ask me " Are you a mother?" I have several responses to this depending on how I am feeling.
1. I just say no. They respond well it's never too late.
2. I say Maybe one day. To which they say " Well happy Future Mother's Day" I want to slap this person.
3. I have a step daughter. Some respond Oh and just walk away and others say Well you are a mother then.
4. This is a favorite response. " WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" both hands are now fist and I am Glaring at them. They slowly back away.
I know this weekend I am staying in the house. So tonight I plan to go and get some WILD BLUE. A six pack will do.
I am hoping the sun is shining so i will sit on the porch and drink my blueberry beer.
If the sun is not shining I will drink beer while sewing. That is not a good combination.
Have a great weekend everyone.

I fell asleep as soon as we got home! I think I'm still tired!c
It was great to see you and barney at the movie! I am getting to old to be out that late did not see the light of day until about 10:00