Stop me if you heard this one before.
I need stimulating conversation at work. Now that Betty is gone and has moved on to better things I am stuck trying to have conversation with my current coworker who rarely listen to what I am saying or just give me a blank stare.
Here is an example:
Me: Hey coworker, what do you think of purpose of philosophy could be?
Coworker: silence
The way our office is situated she sits behind me. So I turn around to make sure she heard me and she is reading her facebook page.
Me: Hey!
Coworker: Uh! What did you say?
Me: Philosophy……..what do you think about it?
Coworker: What?
Me: Ya know the study of general problems like existence, knowledge, values and such.
Coworker: turns and looks at me with a blank expression. “What?”
I turn back to my desk “never mind”.
Coworker: “No really I am listening what about it now.”
I start talking but not about anything in particular just rattling something that has very little to do with the question raise. Quite simply put I am not a great debater. I just felt the need to talk about something more cerebral. After a while I realize I have not gotten a single response from her and I turn to see her reading her face book page again.
I think I will buy a book.