It was time for the Awesome Foursome to get together well minus one.
If I remember correctly, the very first time we got together it was Betty, WC and Myself, we had dinner together. At Chili's because WC just loved the steak they had there.
Then some time past and I arranged for us to meet at a mexican resturant which is pictured above. They all did not love it so it was going to be 1 of 3's turn to plan the next time we got together.
She did not plan anything. So when Betty call and suggested the Light show at the conservatory, WC and I were ready to go. 1 of 3 has challenges that would not have been meet to her satisfaction at the conservatory so it was not mention to her. WC did say something to her but I will deal with that later. Betty has invited her, 1 of 3 to several events but her use of a scooter hinders her from accepting so knowing this we limit out invites to something we know she will have few or no objections to.

The lights are beautiful as I expected. Betty who is an accomplished photographer is the only one I know who can take this picture and you can actually see WC. If I would have taken it you would just see a dark figure standing in front of the light tree. As you will see in the following pictures.
Once we left the conservatory we went to local chain resturant and ate and had drink and enjoy conversation! It was fun and so needed. We agreed to get together again much sooner this next time. I think Wine coolers on Betty sunporch sound great!
My phone is not the greatest camera.