Here are some photo from my cell from the Gallery Crawl on Friday night:

Most of the galleries were serving wine or beer with some light refreshments.
The PA Culinary Institute served Chichen Penashe, pasta salad without or with meat, chocolate over pretzels, Chocolate chip cookies at the cost of 1.00 each. I over heard one person say that it should have been better than very good because it was prepared by chefs!

I was good enough for me. I enjoy it.
There were a total of 22 different participants and I think we saw about 1/2 before it was over.
In Katz Plaza there was a salsa band from New York. So there was salsa dancing in the plaza. I video taped it on the cell phone but still have not figure out how to convert that to show on the computer.
Saturday I thought the Bridal Shower was today and was getting upset because I sitting in the hair salon and it after 4:00. I arrived at 1:00! Fortunately the shower was actually on Sunday.
I took Todd out on a date. We went to Red Lobster ( his favorite resturant ) and then to the movie," Journey to the center of the earth" ( his choice as well) He really enjoyed himself.
Sunday Bridal Shower
S.C. was truly suprised it was nice to see a very happy bride to be enjoying everything. Her excitement was very tiring. Did not take pictures regret it now. She is truly a beautiful young lady and B.J better appreciate her and she likewise I have know him most of is life and she has truly added to him and excitement that was missing before. I most sincerly hope they succeed in their marriage.
See ya on Monday.

Most of the galleries were serving wine or beer with some light refreshments.
The PA Culinary Institute served Chichen Penashe, pasta salad without or with meat, chocolate over pretzels, Chocolate chip cookies at the cost of 1.00 each. I over heard one person say that it should have been better than very good because it was prepared by chefs!

I was good enough for me. I enjoy it.
There were a total of 22 different participants and I think we saw about 1/2 before it was over.
In Katz Plaza there was a salsa band from New York. So there was salsa dancing in the plaza. I video taped it on the cell phone but still have not figure out how to convert that to show on the computer.
Saturday I thought the Bridal Shower was today and was getting upset because I sitting in the hair salon and it after 4:00. I arrived at 1:00! Fortunately the shower was actually on Sunday.
I took Todd out on a date. We went to Red Lobster ( his favorite resturant ) and then to the movie," Journey to the center of the earth" ( his choice as well) He really enjoyed himself.
Sunday Bridal Shower
S.C. was truly suprised it was nice to see a very happy bride to be enjoying everything. Her excitement was very tiring. Did not take pictures regret it now. She is truly a beautiful young lady and B.J better appreciate her and she likewise I have know him most of is life and she has truly added to him and excitement that was missing before. I most sincerly hope they succeed in their marriage.
See ya on Monday.