How would you feel if your son's mother in law called you to tell you what you are doing wrong in regards to how you raise your children?
How would you feel if this woman told you that your son is weak and that he will never be a man because you spoil him?
How would you feel if this woman told you that all you did was make your son a dependent brat?
Yes, One of three strikes again.
Her daughter and son in law have been kicked out of the son's father's house. The father and son had some kind of argument and the father kicked them out so the daughter called mom to say " We are coming for an extended visit."
One of three was shocked to find them coming with all their clothes and computer etc to move into the daughers old bedroom.
Her problem is that her house is sooooo small and she can't have them living in her house. So I think her motivation is just to get them out of her house.
She said she was going to call the father in law and I said it is not your problem to address. What you need to do to set some firm rules for your house and do whatever necessary to get them out of your house.
She called her son in law"s father and said all the things listed above. I had to tell her to be quiet because she was talking so loudly.
When she got off the phone she was frustrated because she feels that she could not get her point across to the father. She turns and says to me
" Can you believe that?"
I replied " I can't believe you call H's father and said that to him."
"What, I am concern for my daughter and they have to get out of my house."
" If you felt it necessary to say something you say it to your daughter and to her husband!"
blank stare

I said " How would you feel if someone told you that your daughter was lazy and would never amount to anything because you spoiled her rotton."
"It would be a wake up call. That is all I was trying to do."
It was my turn to have the blank stare.
How would you feel if this woman told you that your son is weak and that he will never be a man because you spoil him?
How would you feel if this woman told you that all you did was make your son a dependent brat?
Yes, One of three strikes again.
Her daughter and son in law have been kicked out of the son's father's house. The father and son had some kind of argument and the father kicked them out so the daughter called mom to say " We are coming for an extended visit."
One of three was shocked to find them coming with all their clothes and computer etc to move into the daughers old bedroom.
Her problem is that her house is sooooo small and she can't have them living in her house. So I think her motivation is just to get them out of her house.
She said she was going to call the father in law and I said it is not your problem to address. What you need to do to set some firm rules for your house and do whatever necessary to get them out of your house.
She called her son in law"s father and said all the things listed above. I had to tell her to be quiet because she was talking so loudly.
When she got off the phone she was frustrated because she feels that she could not get her point across to the father. She turns and says to me
" Can you believe that?"
I replied " I can't believe you call H's father and said that to him."
"What, I am concern for my daughter and they have to get out of my house."
" If you felt it necessary to say something you say it to your daughter and to her husband!"
blank stare

I said " How would you feel if someone told you that your daughter was lazy and would never amount to anything because you spoiled her rotton."
"It would be a wake up call. That is all I was trying to do."
It was my turn to have the blank stare.
