This weekend with the weird direction my mind was taking me, and the hectic pace of the weekend. I needed to calm down. I tried to just sit and think but for some reason my husband thinks it strange for me to sit without the TV or Radio playing. No nothing is wrong I just need to think. He felt it necessary to barrage with a lot of nonsense questions so I went into the bathroom. This is the most uncomfortable place to sit and think unless you are sitting in hot bubbly tub. I am 5’9” tall one day I will have a tub made to fit one of the tall basketball players so I can really know what it means relax and soak in a tub.
So I just go to lie in my bed so I can think. I fell asleep.
Sunday after going over my Auntie house to say good bye to a visiting cousin I finally sat down. I started crocheting my hat for the winter ….could not concentrate. I am crocheting in the round with a boucle yarn. For me the first few rounds take a little bit of concentration and then it’s all good.
Then I decided to draw my saffron flower.
So I just go to lie in my bed so I can think. I fell asleep.
Sunday after going over my Auntie house to say good bye to a visiting cousin I finally sat down. I started crocheting my hat for the winter ….could not concentrate. I am crocheting in the round with a boucle yarn. For me the first few rounds take a little bit of concentration and then it’s all good.
Then I decided to draw my saffron flower.

I am not sure I this is the best I can do. Usually after drawing it a couple hundred times it begins to look the way I want it to. But I did this for my Needlepoint project.
I traced it on to the 14 count needlepoint canvas and I thought I had followed all the directions carefully unfortunately that was not the case. I did not leave 2 inches around the picture especially at the top.

You really can't see it that well because these pictures were taken with the cell phone.
So I will save this canvas for use on something else and then take the proper measurements and restart the project.
I just got another call from my cousin now her father has been moved to a hospice and is not expected to make it to the weekend. So the family is being called to rally round and support each other.
I guess I will have to sit and think someother time.
I understand that need to stop and think and falling asleep every time I try. :)